KS Brno – rekonstrukce balkonu nad hlavním vchodem do budovy Husova 15

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 398/202327. 03. 2024CDP Sedlák s.r.o.313 568,48259 147,50313 568,48259 147,50CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailMETROLINE a.s.Praha484 000,00400 000,00CZK
DetailMoravská stavební unie - MSU s.r.o.Brno473 400,40391 240,00CZK
DetailCDP Sedlák s.r.o.Brno313 568,48259 147,50CZK
DetailShaft s.r.o.Praha512 422,60423 489,75CZK
DetailKapoturo s.r.o.Praha143 345,31118 467,20CZK
DetailZOOM INVEST s.r.o.Praha387 091,10319 910,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

Spr 398/20232024313 568,48259 147,50